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Анализ технических жидкостей

S∙O∙SSM oil analysis allows you to look inside your equipment!

Since 2008, a laboratory for the analysis of spent working fluids has begun to function in the Karaganda branch of FE "Borusan Makina Kazakhstan" LLP.

The laboratory offers a unique service - the issuance of recommendations on the state of the equipment based on the analysis of used oils taken from its compartments.

These recommendations will help to timely see the beginning of wear in the machine, deterioration of the oil, prevent breakdown, expensive repairs and downtime or equipment

By regularly monitoring the condition of the oil, it is possible to provide the fleet of its machines and equipment with the greatest efficiency, and as a result, the prosperity of the company.


The list of equipment from which oil samples are analyzed is not limited to Cat® machines and oil

The laboratory has all the Caterpillar® documents necessary to interpret the results, as well as documents from the following manufacturers Komatsu, Detroit, Cummins, Allison, Terex/Bucyrus, JohnDeere, Liebherr, Perkins, Wartsila, GE Jenbacher, Deutz, ArielTurbomeca, Guascor, Waukesha, Toro, etc.

Devices in the laboratory are checked annually by certification centers.

The following test are carried out for used oils:

  • Determination of wear metals, additives (ASTM D 5185)
  • Determination of oil condition (soot, oxidation, sulfation, nitration, ASTM E2412-04).
  • Determination of contaminants in oil (water (NTSL-022), antifreeze (ASTM D 2982-98), fuel ASTM D3278).
  • Determination of the degree of purity (according to the purity code ISO4406, ГОСТ 17216).
  • Determination of base number according to ASTM E2412.
  • Viscosity determination according to ASTM D7279-06.

The report is submitted by e-mail within 72 hours of the receipt of samples in the laboratory in PDF format.

Licensed software «Caterpillar S∙O∙SSM Services Manager» is used to record, interpret and prepare analysis reports


Thanks to the aspirations and hard work of the laboratory staff in July 2021, the S∙O∙SSM laboratory in the city of S.S.S. Karaganda succesfully passed the assessment of the state of measurements from the National Center for Expertise and Certification and received a certificate of compliance with all the conditions necessary for the analysis of used oils.

Our efforts to continuous development over the years bring our company new, high-quality results. And now we have proved it again, giving the company the opportunity to step far ahead

Анализ технических жидкостей
For more information, please call: 8 800 0800 228  (бесплатный звонок по Казахстану)

To view archived and up-to-date analysis results online, you can use the service S∙O∙SSM Services Web.

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